Access a list of all the activity web areas on the EASNIE website in chronological order below:
On-going activities
- Learner Participation in Inclusive Education (LPIE) (2024–on-going)
- Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Inclusive Education Policy (MESIEP) (2024–on-going)
- Learners and Families Shaping Action (LFSA) (2024–on-going)
- Advancing Collaboration in Education (ACE) (2024–on-going)
- Collaborative Action for Inclusive Education (CAFIE) (2024–on-going)
- Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Accountability (QAMA) (2024–on-going)
- Country Policy Development Support (2024–on-going)
- Thematic Country Cluster Activities (TCCA) (2023–on-going)
- Country System Mapping (2023–on-going)
- Technical Support Instrument actions (2018–on-going)
- European Agency Statistics on Inclusive Education (EASIE) (on-going)
Completed activities
- Building Resilience through Inclusive Education Systems (BRIES) (2021–2024)
- Legislative Definitions around Learners Vulnerable to Exclusion (2022)
- Inclusive Digital Education (IDE) (2022)
- Voices into Action (VIA) (2021–2023)
- Key Principles (2003, 2009, 2011, 2021)
- Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion (TPL4I) (2018–2022)
- Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education (CROSP) (2017–2022)
- Country Policy Review and Analysis (CPRA) (2015–2021)
- Preventing School Failure (PSF) (2018–2020)
- Supporting Inclusive School Leadership (SISL) (2017–2021)
- Financing Policies for Inclusive Education Systems (FPIES) (2016–2018)
- Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE) (2015–2017)
- Financing of Inclusive Education – Mapping Country Systems for Inclusive Education (2014–2015)
- Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education (2014–2017, 2019)
- ICT for Information Accessibility in Learning (ICT4IAL) (2013–2015)
- ICT for Inclusion (ICT4I) (2012–2013)
- Organisation of Provision to Support Inclusive Education (2012–2014)
- Raising Achievement for All Learners – Quality in Inclusive Education (RA4AL) (2012–2013)
- Vocational Education and Training: Policy and Practice in the field of Special Needs Education (2010–2012)
- Mapping the Implementation of Policy for Inclusive Education (2010–2011)
- Accessible Information Provision for Lifelong Learning (i-access) (2011–2012)
- Teacher Education for Inclusion (TE4I) (2009–2012)
- Multicultural Diversity and Special Needs Education (2006–2008)
- Assessment in Inclusive Settings (2005–2008)
- Indicators for Inclusive Education (2008–2010)