Research Abstracts

Sá K., Almeida, A.M., and Moreira, A. (2011) ‘Ambientes artísticos interativos no currículo de alunos com necessidades específicas individuais’ [Interactive art environments in SEN pupils curriculum] PDF (78kb)

Godinho, F. (2010) Uma Nova Abordagem para a Formação em Engenharia de Reabilitação em Portugal [A New Approach to Rehabilitation Engineering Education in Portugal] PhD thesis PDF (90kb)

Garcia., L. and Oliveira, L. (2011) Sistema de CAA com Adaptação ao Contexto Físico [A Location-Aware AAC System] Paper presented at Iberdiscap 2011, VI Ibero-American Congress of Technologies de Apoyo a la discapacidad, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 16-17 June 2011 PDF (86kb)

Guerreiro, M. J., Candeias, M. J., Brito, I .S., and Garcia, L. (2011) Sistema de Informação para a Gestão de Avaliações em Tecnologias de Apoio [Information System to Support Assistive Technology Assessment and Delivery] 2011/indexp.html PDF (84 kb)

Pires, G., Nunes, U., and Castelo-Branco, M. (2012) ‘Comparação de um dispositivo de escrita de linha-coluna vs. um novo dispositivo de escrita lateral baseado em carater único: Avaliação de ICC em pacientes com limitações motoras graves’ [Comparison of a row-column speller vs. a novel lateral single-character speller: Assessment of BCI for severe motor disabled patients]. Clinical Neurophysiology 123(6), 1168-1181 PDF (111kb)

Garcia, L and Oliveira, L (2008) Geração Automática de Abreviaturas para Sistema de Comunicação Alternativa do Português Europeu [Automatic Abbreviation Generation for a Portuguese Augmentative and Alternative Communication System] PDF (102kb)

Alexandre, L., Garcia, L., and Bruno, L. (2007) Development of an Electronic Scholar Notebook for Students with Special Needs PDF (74kb)

Luís Garcia, L. (2007) Support of a Special Student Using Assistive Technologies in a Regular School: Perspectives from a Rehabilitation Engineer Professional PDF (66kb)

Innovative Examples of Practice 

Use of E-Blocks inclusive software for reading, writing and basic maths concepts and of Troc@s, a platform to help develop communication skills for pupils with autism PDF (94kb)

Tailored continuing professional development for working with students with special needs PDF (135kb)

Different models of delivery of distance learning, using technology, for students in hospital PDF (98kb)

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