The following documents were created in the framework of the Addressing Regional Disparities in the Czech Education System action. For more information on this action, see the Final report under the Country outputs and recommendation page. You can download the documents below in Word format.


Peer Learning Activity on Governance and Financing

This Stimulus discussion paper was prepared for the Peer Learning Activity 18 June 2021.

This document seeks to provide background information to facilitate understanding and to enable dialogues around educational governance, funding schemes and financing mechanisms in support of inclusive education in the Czech Republic.

Download the stimulus discussion paper here. An extract of the paper is available in English and in Czech.


Development of specific support strategies for learners with a Roma/Traveller background in Ireland

This discussion paper was prepared for the Peer Learning Activity 23 June 2021. It presents information about Traveller, Roma and migrant education policy and support.

Download the file here in English or in Czech.


Developing positive teacher attitudes towards learner diversity and inclusive education in Germany

This discussion paper was prepared for the Peer Learning Activity 25 June 2021. It shares country examples from Germany in three sections: 

  • First section is about the Inclusive School Alliances in Hessen and the counselling team in Frankfurt as a possible construct for cooperation.
  • The second section is on ZINT, a certificate course for teachers in Saxony to become multipliers of inclusion.
  • The third section shows an example of a qualification course focussing on inclusive education in Thuringia, emphasising the basic competence of using positive and respectful language.

Download the file here in English or in Czech.


Engaging stakeholders in policy implementation work in Poland

This discussion paper was prepared for the Peer Learning Activity on 28 June 2021. It describes the rationale for the legislative change in Poland, the various steps of that led to the development of policies and the implementation work, following the SRSP Action in co-operation with EASNIE entitled ‘Supporting the improvement of the quality of inclusive education in Poland’.

Download the file here in English or in Czech.


The following documents were created in the framework of the Supporting the improvement of quality in inclusive education in Poland (Phase II) action. For more information on this action, see the Final report under the Country outputs and recommendations page. You can download the documents below in Word format.

  • A curriculum for all learners
  • The Learning Outcomes Framework in Malta
  • Legislative developments in Greece aiming to prepare all learners for transition to adult and working life
  • Monitoring framework for inclusive education in Serbia


A curriculum for all learners

This discussion paper was prepared for the Peer Learning Activity on 5 July 2021 in Greece. It aims to provide a framework for discussing some key issues to consider when designing a curriculum framework and related assessment arrangements. It was also used to support discussions at a stakeholder meeting in July 2021.

The document explores the following questions:

  1. What elements should be included in a coherent curriculum that provides continuity and progression for all learners?
  2. How can the curriculum be made flexible to provide for all learners?
  3. What does an inclusive assessment framework look like.

Download the discussion paper here in English and in Polish.


The Learning Outcomes Framework in Malta

This discussion paper was prepared for the Peer Learning Activity on 7 July 2021 in Malta. It starts by giving a brief overview of Malta’s National Inclusion policy that has been launched in 2019 and further enhanced in 2021. This policy defines Inclusive education holistically in accordance with the conclusions of the Council of the European Union in 2017. Then it goes on to discuss the introduction of the Learning Outcomes Framework, which was based on a shift from teaching to learning through a learner-centred approach.

Download the discussion paper here in English and in Polish.


Legislative developments in Greece aiming to prepare all learners for transition to adult and working life

This discussion paper was prepared for the Peer Learning Activity on 12 July 2021 in Greece. one of the main aims of the Greek Ministry of Education is to introduce significant reforms at the level of educational policy that touch on all aspects of the educational system, based on Strategic Plans with specific objectives, projects and indicators. The paper describes the stimulus or rationale for the legislative change, the implementation and the development of the policy. 

Download the discussion paper here in English.  


Monitoring framework for inclusive education in Serbia

This discussion paper was prepared for the Peer Learning Activity on 14 July 2021 in Serbia. It presents recent legislation developments in Serbia, as well as the Monitoring Framework for Inclusive Education as a specific example of quality assurance and monitoring work.

Download the discussion paper here in English and in Polish.


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