Auditing Inclusive Education Systems

We have come a long way since November 2013, when the Maltese Minister for Education and Employment, Mr Evarist Bartolo asked the Agency to conduct an external audit of the special needs education system in Malta. This activity is a new area for the Agency and it can be seen as a confirmation of the Agency’s competences, knowledge and skills. I am very proud that we are perceived as a professional body that can undertake the complex task of an external audit of policies and practices.

Focusing on How to Raise the Achievement of All Learners


On 17 and 18 June I joined the important Agency project kick-off meeting on Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education in Athens as an event within the framework of the Greek Presidency. The participants were school leaders and researchers from our member countries and they discussed the content and design of the 3-year project that focuses on bringing together these two communities who are usually not in direct contact.