Two international events related to inclusive education are taking place in the coming weeks. Both are connected to the launch of the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report 2021 for Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, which has been produced by UNESCO’s GEM Report in collaboration with the Agency and the Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC).
The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, which is a member of NEPC, is holding an international online conference on 18–20 February. The topic of the conference is inequality in education, and the Agency and other GEM Report collaborators will contribute some of the findings of the report. This will include information about teaching, assessment processes, schools and curricula. The event will be in Russian and English, with simultaneous translation in both languages.
The second event, which is co-hosted by GEM together with the Global Students Forum (GSF), the Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU) and the European Students Union (ESU), will mark Zero Discrimination Day on 1 March. A youth‑focused webinar will include a presentation of the GEM Report findings, followed by group discussions of the key themes of disability, ethnic and linguistic minorities, and LGBTQI. Agency and GEM Report collaborators will take part in the group discussions, which will also focus on the additional challenges brought about by COVID-19. The event aims to produce a youth statement to national policy-makers, describing how young people could be more involved in designing and implementing inclusive education policies.
The main GEM Report launch took place online on Friday 12 February. Find out more about the report and the Agency’s involvement with it on our news page.
The sub-regional launch, with a focus on Caucasus and Central Asia, takes place on Monday 7 June.
Agency staff will contribute to all events as part of the GEM report collaboration.
The youth statement is now available to download below. For more information about the youth event and the statement, visit the GEM Report blog.