The Agency is a member of one of the six Education and Training 2020 (ET 2020) Working Groups that the European Commission established in February 2016 – namely the Working Group on Promoting Citizenship and the Common Values of Freedom, Tolerance and Non-Discrimination through Education.
ET 2020 Working Groups are designed to help Member States address the key challenges of their education and training systems, as well as common priorities agreed at European level.
Agency representatives regularly participate in Working Group meetings. A joint seminar for all ET 2020 Working Groups in March 2017 focused on integrating migrants and children of migrant background in education.
The Working Group on Promoting Citizenship met in May in Malta, in the framework of a peer learning activity. This event was organised by the European Commission, together with the Maltese Ministry for Education, and with the technical support of the Agency. Agency country representatives from Iceland, Italy and the UK (Scotland) participated in a panel discussion about inclusive education from policy to practice.
The peer learning activity focused on social inclusion, emphasising that inclusive education is the most effective means for preventing social exclusion in today’s diverse society.
Follow the activity of the ET 2020 Working Groups on the European Commission’s Education and Training website.