Agency Thematic Session on Early Childhood Education and Care in ET 2020 Working Group Meeting

The Agency participated in the second meeting of the of the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Working Group, one of seven groups set up as part of the European Union’s Education and Training 2020 (ET 2020) programme.

The Working Groups provide a forum for the sharing of good practice and experience to support policy-making in education and training both nationally and at EU level. The ECEC Working Group aims to develop high quality early education and care services across Europe.

The Working Group met again in Brussels in March. The two-day meeting was organised by the European Commission and focused on the topics of staff professionalisation and social inclusion. The second day of the meeting included a thematic session on inclusion. During this session, the Agency presented the Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE) project and its main outcomes, namely the Ecosystem Model, the Self-Reflection Tool and the Policy Recommendations. The country representatives in the session discussed how their work can build upon the recommendations of the project, as well as the potential use of the self-reflection tool at national level.

early childhood education
pre-school education

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