What do we mean by profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD)? What does learning mean for a young person with PIMD? What socio-emotional and socio-cognitive processes are mobilised? What is it like to be a student with PIMD? How do people learn? How can we help them learn? What are the most favourable relational and institutional environments?
INSHEA (Institut national supérieur formation et recherche - handicap et enseignements adaptés) and the CLIPSYD research team are organising an international conference on Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities and learning processes. The conference will take place in Nanterre University in Paris on 22–23 March 2019.
Professionals, parents and researchers are welcome to this conference, aiming to pool skills in this field and support innovative practices.
The event will be translated into French, English and French sign language.
For more information about the event (programme, registrations, practical information) visit the conference website or contact colloque.polyhandicap@inshea.fr