In early April, the Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture organised a one-day seminar, with the Agency’s support. The aim of the seminar was to work on the recommendation to review and develop Iceland’s resource allocation and financing systems, which came out of the Agency’s 2017 Audit of the Inclusive Education System in Iceland.
Seminar participants included directors and key staff from schools in four municipalities, along with representatives from the Association of Municipalities, the Home and School Association, the Teachers Union, the Equalisation Fund and the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.
Agency representatives introduced the Financing Policies for Inclusive Education Systems (FPIES) project, and particularly the project’s Policy Guidance Framework and Self-Review Tool. Participants then used the Self-Review Tool to review their policies, before discussing the next steps.
The day ended with a discussion about the possibility of these municipalities taking part in a pilot project, collecting information to assist in implementing the audit recommendation to review resource allocation. The ultimate aim is to make the financing of inclusive education in Iceland more effective, efficient and equitable, in order to support the provision of high-quality inclusive education for all learners.