Two events linked to recent Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Reports on inclusion and education will focus on early childhood education and care (ECEC).
The first event, entitled ‘Right from the start: Ensuring quality and inclusive early childhood care and education for everyone’, will take place on 8 July. It will focus on progress towards inclusive ECEC around the world and will explore strategies and policy tools to improve inclusion. Speakers will include representatives from education ministries in Canada and Liberia, academics and ECEC specialists.
On 13 July, the second event will examine three recent ECEC publications:
- Right from the Start: Build inclusive societies through inclusive early childhood, a new policy paper which builds on the findings of the 2020 GEM Report;
- UNICEF’s Early Childhood Education Accelerator Analysis and Planning Toolkit, which helps to strengthen inclusion in education planning;
- Toolkit for inclusive early childhood education and care, the European Union’s toolkit to help Member States develop high quality, inclusive ECEC.
Hosted by GEM and UNICEF, speakers will include representatives from government departments in Bulgaria and Ireland.
The GEM events calendar has details of all upcoming events related to the 2020 GEM Report on Inclusion and education: All means all. The 2021 GEM Regional Report for Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia was a collaboration between GEM Report team, the Network of Education Policy Centers and the Agency. Download the full report on the Agency publications page.