On 13-15 July 2016 the Agency took part in the 15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP), which is a biennial event organised by the University of Linz, Austria.
ICCHP provides an interdisciplinary platform and scientific forum which includes a wide range of stakeholders. ICCHP’s mission for inclusion and participation in the information society is to strive for better assistive technologies for support, enhancement and restoration of resources of people with disabilities. Over three days, both practitioners and users had the chance to present and discuss their ideas and projects in an open forum, allowing each other to learn and advance work in the field based on best practice.
The full programme of the conference is available on the ICCHP website.
Within the track dedicated to Universal Learning Design, the Agency presented the Guidelines for Accessible Information, a tool to support practitioners and organisations that provide information for learning in creating accessible materials.
The resource is the outcome of the co-operation between the Agency with European Schoolnet (EUN), the International Association of Universities (IAU), UNESCO, the DAISY Consortium and the Global Initiative of Inclusive ICTs (G3ict).
The Guidelines are available in 26 languages on the www.ict4ial.eu project website, where users can register and add further links and resources.