Inclusive Early Childhood Education Kick-off Meeting

The kick off meeting for the Agency’s Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE) project will be held in Brussels on 9–10 June 2015. Researchers and practitioners from Agency member countries will attend the meeting. Keynote speakers from the European Commission, OECD, UNESCO, Eurydice, Ghent University and the International Society on Early Intervention will introduce the latest research and policy developments in the area of early childhood education and care. 

This new 3-year thematic project will build upon the main outcomes of the previous Agency Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) projects (2004, 2010) and will be the interface between ECI and primary education. The goal of this new project is to identify and analyse the factors (facilitators and challenges or barriers) that enable high quality and equitable pre-primary education of pupils in inclusive settings.

Participants at the kick-off meeting will have the opportunity to hear about relevant research, take part in workshops on key project themes and share practice from their own countries. The meeting will support a collaborative approach to planning the next steps in the project.

Further information is available on the IECE web area.


early childhood education

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