The Agency’s International Conference on ‘Inclusive Education in Europe – Putting theory into practice’ was held in Brussels on 18 November 2013. The event was a success with more than 170 participants attending the conference. The presentations of the five keynote speakers addressed the following five key messages of the conference, which then were discussed in separate working groups:
- As early as possible
- Inclusive education benefits all
- Highly qualified professionals
- Support systems and funding mechanisms
- Reliable data.
The attendance and contribution of high level ministry representatives from French and Flemish speaking communities of Belgium, Lithuania, Poland, as well as representatives from European institutions ensured a very productive policy panel. The conference agenda contains the list of speakers.
The debate involved all relevant stakeholders: decision-makers, researchers, practitioners, people with disabilities and their families. The First Results from the International Conference presents the relevant messages and statements provided by the invited stakeholders and keynote speakers at the conference.
The Reflections from Researchers report compiles researchers' papers on early intervention, initial teacher education for inclusion, support systems and funding mechanisms, data collection, main challenges of inclusion and the evolution of human rights and its implications for inclusive education. The articles are prefaced by a paper on key messages and outlook from Cor J.W. Meijer, Agency Director’s point of view, highlighting key points from the Agency’s activities in the past 15 years and an outline of future developments.
The conference's final outcome is the Five Key Messages for Inclusive Education report, available in 22 languages. This report summarises an essential part of the work conducted by the Agency in the last decade, by addressing relevant issues in the field of inclusive education, grouped around the topics discussed in the five working groups during the International Conference.
Access the press release about the event here.