How to support the implementation of inclusive education is a key issue at European level. On Monday 18 November 2013, the Agency is organising an International Conference presenting key messages for Inclusive Education arising from Agency work over the last 7 years. The conference takes place in Brussels and is organised in co-operation with the Belgian Ministers of Education: Ms. Marie-Martine Schyns and Mr. Pascal Smet.
The conference will focus upon the main developments during the past decade and the lessons that can be learned from the work conducted by the Agency during this period: what has been achieved and what will be the next steps in order to develop and implement effective inclusive education systems. Five key topics will be debated in different sessions: the importance of early intervention; inclusive education benefitting all learners; the need for highly qualified professionals; support and funding systems; data required to inform developments in inclusive education.
Key international and European researchers together with high level officials, representatives from 28 European ministries of education, practitioners, families' representatives and people with disabilities will all contribute to the reflections and debate.