On 27–28 May 2015 Riga will host the International Conference for the ICT for Information Accessibility in Learning (ICT4IAL) project. This event will take place as an official event of Latvia’s EU Presidency. The International Conference will present the project’s main outcome – the ICT4IAL Guidelines.
The ICT4IAL Guidelines have been created as a tool for practitioners and organisations that provide information for learning to support creating accessible materials. The Guidelines contain a set of easy-to-follow steps to create accessible materials in text, video and audio formats.
The ICT4IAL project is a multi-disciplinary network formed by the Agency with European Schoolnet (EUN), the International Association of Universities (IAU), UNESCO, the DAISY Consortium and the Global Initiative of Inclusive ICTs (G3ICT). Project activities began in 2013 and the Guidelines have been developed together with the partners and with input from nominated experts from the Agency’s and partners’ member countries.
At the conference workshops, participants will have the chance to follow step-by-step instructions and demonstrations of how to create accessible materials, and how to share these in different formats. In addition, all participants will be able to consult how they can improve the accessibility of their existing materials.
After the conference the Guidelines will be available on the www.ict4ial.eu/ website as an open source material.
For more information on this project, visit the project web area.