NordForsk and The Netherlands Initiative for Educational Research (NRO) are issuing a pre-announcement for research projects on inclusive education across borders: Research projects oriented towards practice and policy. Application deadline is April 2017.
The Research Council of Norway, the Academy of Finland, The Icelandic Ministry of Education, The Swedish Research Council, The Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO) and NordForsk (an organisation that facilitates and provides funding for Nordic research cooperation and research infrastructure) are issuing this call to strengthen research cooperation by funding joint research projects in the field of education.
The funding available for this transnational call is estimated at EUR 2.25 million and up to three projects will be funded, subject to quality. Applications should be for projects with a duration of three years.
The objective of this call is to broadly explore the many and various research questions related to inclusive education. By bringing together excellent scholars and practitioners from the participating countries, the joint research projects will stimulate innovative research in transnational cooperation with benefits for policy and practice in the field, and promote international collaboration in the research field of inclusive education.
For more information on this call visit the NRO and the Nordforsk websites.