Phase 2 of the inclusive education reform activities in Cyprus is on-going. On Friday 21 May 2021, the Agency joined a teleconference with Mr Prodromos Prodromou, the Cypriot Minister of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth. The purpose was to discuss progress towards inclusive education reform and the newly prepared draft legislation and regulations.
This latest meeting followed on from the stakeholder working groups and subsequent virtual discussions in autumn 2020. The activities in Cyprus are funded by the European Union’s Structural Reform Support Programme and implemented in co-operation with the European Commission (DG REFORM).
Meeting participants included representatives from DG REFORM (European Commission), Mr Cor J.W. Meijer, Agency Director, and members of the Ministry’s Steering Committee. The meeting also involved the Agency team, including European experts involved in preparing the draft legislation and regulations.
Minister Prodromou expressed his gratitude for the support provided over the past three years and discussed the expected completion of Phase 2 work in late June. He stated the Ministry’s intention to proceed with modernising the education system and strengthening inclusive education, while anticipating and seeking continuous constructive co-operation with all stakeholders.
Ms Mary Kyriazopoulou, the Agency activity leader, presented the main principles of the draft legislation and the main provisions in the draft regulations. The Minister had the opportunity to clarify questions in the discussion that followed.
The draft regulations are based on the final recommendations formulated after the stakeholder working groups. The stakeholders will have the opportunity to give their views on the draft bill and regulations before the final drafts are submitted to the Ministry.