Pathways to School Success: Public consultation

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to support the development of a new policy framework for national education systems.

The consultation aims to collect input on the proposed Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success. The recommendation will contribute towards achieving the European Education Area by 2025.

The Pathways to School Success initiative is a response to the need for improved education systems that promote inclusive and fair societies. It will present schools and authorities with a policy framework to improve their education systems for all learners. Among other things, this includes actions and ideas which can help to:

  • develop skills and knowledge;
  • improve competences in basic skills such as reading and mathematics;
  • improve learner well-being;
  • lower the rate of early school leaving;
  • improve educational outcomes for learners from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, including migrants and those from poorer areas.

Alongside policy guidance, the initiative will present an overview of European Union support that is available to schools and authorities. It will also provide an opportunity for peer learning and information exchange between stakeholders. The information and advice will cover all levels of education, from early childhood education through to upper-secondary and vocational education and training.

The consultation process began in May with a series of reflection workshops. The workshops involved educators, academics, policy-makers and representatives from other stakeholder groups, including the Agency. They discussed the content of the proposed recommendation in advance of the public consultation.

The public consultation is open until 30 September 2021, and input is welcomed from a broad range of education stakeholders, including learners, parents, schools and civil society organisations, as well as local and national authorities.

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