Upcoming flagship conference in Warsaw on inclusive education

The Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) is hosting a flagship conference as part of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference, entitled ‘Let’s make inclusion happen! Inclusive education for a fair, resilient and competitive EU’, will be held in Warsaw, Poland, on 16–18 March.

The conference aims to increase awareness of inclusive education and promote international dialogue on providing all learners with access to inclusive education systems. It will also promote existing resources and information on inclusive education and support the European Commission’s work to monitor national education systems.

EASNIE Director João Costa will give a keynote speech on how to bridge the policy-practice gap and provide recommendations from EASNIE’s work with its member countries. In addition, Activity Manager Anthoula Kefallinou will present on inter- and cross-sectoral co-operation, with reference to the Changing Role of Specialist Provision and the current Collaborative Action for Inclusive Education activities.

Other speakers will include Polish Minister of Education Barbara Nowacka, Director of Warsaw’s Educational Research Institute Maciej Jakubowski, and President of the Diversum Foundation Agata Roczniak. The programme will also include panel discussions with education experts and policy-makers from across Europe, including several EASNIE Representative Board members and National Co-ordinators, and interactive workshops.

The conference website contains more information, including the agenda and details of the other speakers. Plenary sessions from the conference will be available to watch online on the FRSE website.

international co-operation

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