Four new publications from the Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education (RA) project are available now online. The following outputs reflect the different dimensions and activities of the RA project:
1. Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education – Literature Review
The RA literature review draws on research from 2006–2015 to examine effective ways to raise the achievement of all learners in inclusive settings. The review presents inclusion as an organising principle to raise the achievement of all learners. More specific school improvement strategies are discussed in the areas of teaching approaches, curriculum, assessment, learner voice, leadership and collaboration. The review is available online in English only.
2. A project synopsis: Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education: Final Summary Report
This short report provides policy-makers with a summary of the RA project background, findings, recommendations and project outputs. The report will be available online in all Agency languages, with a small number of print copies in English.
3. A project overview report: Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education: Lessons from European Policy and Practice
This report provides a detailed overview of the RA project. It includes information about country policies for raising achievement and a discussion of the key challenges raised. It uses current literature and project findings to suggest potential solutions. The report also includes project recommendations for school leaders and teachers and system leaders and policy-makers and a detailed account of the project methodology. It is available online in English.
4. Raising the Achievement of All Learners: A Resource to Support Self-Review
This document includes the self-review materials developed and used by learning communities during the RA project. These materials are available as an open educational resource to allow schools to add to or amend items as needed to suit their own situation. This document also discusses wider policy support for raising achievement and includes an eco-system of support for inclusive education that might be used for wider policy review. This resource is available online in English only.
Finally, the RA project guidance (Key Actions for Raising Achievement: Guidance for teachers and school leaders) will also be available soon as an open-source document. The materials presented in the guidance aim to help school leaders and teachers to address questions relevant to their day-to-day practice, focusing on equity and raising achievement for all. The materials also have the potential to influence the thinking of decision-makers at all levels and help them to consider effective ways to support the implementation of such practice in their local or national policy context.
All outputs and further information, including the project conceptual framework and reports on individual countries’ approaches to raising achievement, are available on the project web area.