The Supporting Inclusive School Leadership (SISL) project team recently met in Brussels to discuss phase 2 of the project, following the publication of the phase 1 synthesis report.
The SISL project builds on existing Agency and wider European and international work. It investigates how to develop and promote inclusive school-level leadership through national- and local-level policy frameworks and support mechanisms.
Phase 1 of the project focused on creating a literature review, policy review and analysing the responses of 20 Agency member countries to a SISL country survey. Findings from these three activities were compiled in the phase 1 SISL synthesis report.
In February, the SISL country cluster and project team met for a scoping meeting in Brussels. The SISL country cluster consists of a small group of ministry representatives and experts from four Agency member countries: Hungary, Ireland, Malta and Sweden. The aim of this meeting was to discuss the content and structure of the phase 2 work and reach agreements on upcoming meetings and activities. Phase 2 of the SISL project aims to create a policy framework and a self-review tool based on the outcomes from phase 1.
Through plenary and small group discussions in the meeting, participants explored issues around school leadership in each of the four countries and how a policy framework would be useful to them. The project team and country partners examined examples of policy frameworks, discussing their clarity, usefulness and features to look for.
Find out more about SISL in the project web area, where you can also find the literature review, policy review and phase 1 synthesis report.