Monitoring and evaluating inclusive education systems: peer-learning activity

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A peer-learning activity on monitoring and evaluating inclusive education took place in Dublin, Ireland, in November. Part of the Thematic Country Cluster Activities (TCCA), the event brought together representatives from countries in Cluster 2 – Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Inclusive Education Policy (MESIEP).

Representatives and stakeholders from four of the MESIEP countries – Croatia, Ireland, Malta and United Kingdom (England) – joined the Agency team for the event. The aim was to examine monitoring and evaluation of inclusive education in Ireland, with a focus on inspecting the practices and provision for special and additional needs in schools.

During the event, a senior special educational needs inspector presented different policy frameworks and the inspection evaluation methodology. The participants visited a secondary school, which was inspected in 2024, and met the professionals and learners who took part in the inspection.

Representatives from a teacher assistants workforce gave a presentation on their profession. In an open discussion after the presentation, participants had the opportunity to share their countries’ situation, reflecting on how teaching assistants are involved in evaluating and inspecting their inclusive education systems.

The next MESIEP peer-learning activity will take place in Croatia in spring 2025.

country cluster activity

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