Consultation to develop a Union of Skills

The European Commission will present a Communication on a Union of Skills in the coming months. Part of the European Education Area initiative, the Union of Skills will focus on adult and lifelong learning, vocational education and training, and skills retention.

European countries are currently affected by significant skills and labour shortages, with many businesses affected. In particular, there is a lack of skills in the sciences, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) and information and communication technology (ICT) fields.

To help develop the Communication, the Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) hosted a consultation event in Brussels, Belgium, on 13 January 2025. The event was led by Roxana Mînzatu, Executive Vice-President for Social Rights and Skills, Quality Jobs and Preparedness at DG EAC. Agency Director João Costa participated, alongside leading experts and practitioners in education and skills from across Europe. They discussed and reflected on what actions are needed at European Union level to reduce the shortages, and how to develop the Union of Skills within the school sector. They also examined how different organisations can contribute to the Union of Skills.

Among other things, Dr Costa stressed the need for a clear definition of inclusion, to ensure education systems are working to provide a high-quality education to all learners who are vulnerable to exclusion from education. He also described ways in which the Agency can support the Union of Skills, including through Technical Support Instrument actions and by using the Agency’s existing body of evidence on skills development and related topics.

The Commission will use the information gathered during the consultation to inform its Communication on the Union of Skills. For more information, visit the DG EAC website.

A group of people stand in a line in front of the European Union flag and a large window which looks out on buildings
The Union of Skills consultation participants. Agency Director João Costa is on the far left of the photo.
international co-operation
vocational education

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