On 26 November 2013, Cor J.W. Meijer, Agency Director met with Polish Secretary of State for Education Tadeusz Sławecki in Warsaw. Poland has been an active member country of the Agency since 2006, a period in which educational opportunities for students with special educational needs have been increasing. Mr Sławecki and Mr Meijer discussed possibilities for strengthening co-operation between the Ministry of National Education and the Agency in the field of inclusive education.
The meeting took place in the framework of the international conference on Modern Technologies in Inclusive Education, organised by the Polish Educational Research Institute, the Ministry of National Education and the Agency. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in inclusive education is high on the agenda of Agency member countries. The Agency presented the international context and the outcomes of past and ongoing projects on this topic: i-access, ICT for Inclusion and ICT for Information Accessibility in Learning.
The conference was attended by representatives of academia, international organizations and NGOs, local governments, educational supervisors, school leaders, teachers and professionals working in schools and special educational centres.
Presenters and participants at the meeting discussed about how ICTs allow to achieve better results in learning and engage more students in the educational process. International and Polish examples of good practice were presented how ICT helps in improving the quality of education of all students and in building an inclusive information society. The conference also discussed practical ways to use ICT and their benefits in inclusive education and in young people’s social life and networking.
For more information on the use of technology to support inclusive teaching and learning, download a Research Literature Review and a detailed policy review on the European and international policies supporting ICT for inclusion.