This section contains news about Agency activities, events, publications, as well as updates from Agency member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and country they relate to.

Two adults help learners who are working at desks in a classroom

Two adults help learners who are working at desks in a classroom

Seminar on developing the inclusive education system in Austria

Representatives from the Agency’s CROSP project team took part in recent seminar on efforts to transform the inclusive education system in Austria.
A group of children playing with building blocks

A group of children playing with building blocks

European Commission webinar on the impact of COVID-19 on early childhood education and care

The European Commission is holding a webinar examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on early childhood education.
A teacher sits with three children who are drawing with crayons

A teacher sits with three children who are drawing with crayons

European Commission event on continuous professional development in early childhood education

The European Commission has held an online webinar focused on improving continuous professional development opportunities in early childhood education and care.
Four children playing with wooden building blocks

Four children playing with wooden building blocks

Towards greater inclusion in Poland

A meeting has taken place to summarise the results of the ‘Supporting the improvement of the quality of inclusive education in Poland’ project.
Four children smiling and writing together around a table

Shutterstock / Ground Picture

eBulletin July 2021

This eBulletin contains recent Agency news, publications and inclusive education updates from across Europe.
Teenagers sit at their desks in a classroom

Teenagers sit at their desks in a classroom

Supporting EU Member States with structural reform: new website

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Structural Reform Support has launched a new website about its work through the Technical Support Instrument.
A girl plays a triangle and children in the background play drums and other instruments

A girl plays a triangle and children in the background play drums and other instruments

Presentation of final recommendations to promote inclusive education in the Czech Republic

The Agency has presented the final recommendations and key priority action for promoting more inclusive and equitable education to the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) and key…
A teacher congratulates a boy on his work as his friends watch

A teacher congratulates a boy on his work as his friends watch

Final meeting of the Agency’s work with DG REFORM in Greece

The final meeting has taken place in the Agency’s work with the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs to promote inclusive education in Greece.
Two children draw on a blackboard covered in graphs and notes

Two children draw on a blackboard covered in graphs and notes

Applying universal design to education policy and practice: NEPC and ARISE summer school conference

A recent Agency conference presentation outlined how the principles of universal design can be applied to policy and practice in teaching and learning.
A child's hands playing with colourful bricks

A child's hands playing with colourful bricks

Upcoming GEM events on inclusive early childhood education and care

Two events linked to recent Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Reports on inclusion and education will focus on early childhood education and care.
Two people's hands are holding pens as they take notes on a notepad

Two people's hands are holding pens as they take notes on a notepad

Online consultation meetings in the Czech Republic

The Agency has held a series of interactive, online consultation meetings with stakeholders working at national and regional levels in the Czech Republic.
Four children smiling and writing together around a table

Four children smiling and writing together around a table

Pathways to School Success: Public consultation

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to support the development of a new policy framework for national education systems.

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