This section contains news about Agency activities, events, publications, as well as updates from Agency member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and country they relate to.

A classroom with children sitting at their desks, with their hands in the air.

A classroom with children sitting at their desks, with their hands in the air.

New system to monitor the impact of Portugal’s inclusive education law

The final meeting in an activity to design a monitoring system for the implementation of Portugal’s law on inclusive education took place in July.
A child shows a teacher his work on a tablet

A child shows a teacher his work on a tablet

Monitoring the implementation of the Portuguese law on inclusive education: meeting to present results

The results of an activity to design a system to monitor the implementation of the Portuguese law on inclusive education will be presented in Lisbon on 1 July.
A group of young children sit on the floor. Three of them have their hands in the air.

A group of young children sit on the floor. Three of them have their hands in the air.

Review of Inclusive Education in Portugal seminar

A seminar on 23 March discussed the findings of a recent Review of Inclusive Education in Portugal report by the OECD.
A group of children sitting on the floor and smiling

A group of children sitting on the floor and smiling

Monitoring the implementation of inclusive education in Portugal: School visits

School visits are taking place in Portugal as part of the work to design a system to monitor the implementation of a law on inclusive education.
Four children playing with wooden building blocks

Four children playing with wooden building blocks

Towards greater inclusion in Poland

A meeting has taken place to summarise the results of the ‘Supporting the improvement of the quality of inclusive education in Poland’ project.
Teenagers sit at their desks in a classroom

Teenagers sit at their desks in a classroom

Supporting EU Member States with structural reform: new website

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Structural Reform Support has launched a new website about its work through the Technical Support Instrument.
A girl plays a triangle and children in the background play drums and other instruments

A girl plays a triangle and children in the background play drums and other instruments

Presentation of final recommendations to promote inclusive education in the Czech Republic

The Agency has presented the final recommendations and key priority action for promoting more inclusive and equitable education to the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) and key…
A teacher congratulates a boy on his work as his friends watch

A teacher congratulates a boy on his work as his friends watch

Final meeting of the Agency’s work with DG REFORM in Greece

The final meeting has taken place in the Agency’s work with the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs to promote inclusive education in Greece.
Two people's hands are holding pens as they take notes on a notepad

Two people's hands are holding pens as they take notes on a notepad

Online consultation meetings in the Czech Republic

The Agency has held a series of interactive, online consultation meetings with stakeholders working at national and regional levels in the Czech Republic.
Image: The European Union flag

The European flag

Online meeting with the Cypriot Minister of Education about progress towards inclusive education reform

On Friday 21 May 2021, the Agency joined a teleconference with Mr Prodromos Prodromou, the Cypriot Minister of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth. The purpose was to discuss progress towards…
Teenage learners in a classroom

Teenage learners in a classroom

Online ‘study visit’ to promote inclusive education in Greece

As part of the on-going work to promote inclusive education in Greece, an online ‘study visit’ to Scotland will take place in March.
A woman works at a computer

A woman works at a computer

Online stakeholder data collection in the Czech Republic

An online stakeholder data collection has taken place as part of the ‘Addressing Regional Disparities in the Czech Education System’ action in the Czech Republic.

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