The Agency eBulletin presents updates and news on projects from the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education.
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Dear Readers,

First of all I would like to welcome all the new subscribers who have expressed interest in the Agency’s activities by signing up to this quarterly newsletter.

The Agency started this year with the ambitious multi-annual work programme for the period 2014–2020 and with the new name: European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. Other administrative changes this year include the Brussels Office’s move at the end of May to a new, modern office building in Brussels.

This spring is also the beginning of a ground-breaking co-operation between the Agency and one of its member countries, Malta.

This newsletter brings you updates on the new project on Raising Achievement for All Learners in Inclusive Education which builds on a previous project in the field, as well as findings and publications based on the results of the recent ICT for Inclusion project, Vocational Education and Training project and the Agency’s International Conference on inclusive education.

Thank you for following our news on my new Director’s Blog launched this spring and on the Agency website:

Agency Director, Cor J.W. MeijerCor J.W. Meijer

European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education

Ground-breaking co-operation between the Agency and Malta

External audit reviewing special needs and inclusive education policy and practice

The Maltese Ministry of Education and Employment has commissioned the Agency to carry out an external audit of special needs and inclusive education policies and practice across state, church and independent schools in Malta. The audit will consider structure, process and outcome factors and will lead to information that can be used to plan systematic developments in Malta. The final audit report will be presented in late 2014 and recommendations will aim to inform future long-term work in Malta.

The contract for this consultancy work was signed in February by Malta’s Education Minister Evarist Mr Cor J.W. Meijer, Agency Director, Mr Evarist Bartolo, Education Minister and Mr George Borg, Head of Directorate for Educational Services and Agency Representative Board member Bartolo and Agency Director, Cor J.W. Meijer. In March there was a press conference to formally launch the activities.

A main goal of the work for the Ministry of Education and Employment is to ensure coherence between Malta’s initiatives in the field of special needs and inclusive education and the relevant European Union and international level policy aims and objectives.

The external audit will last for a year and will be conducted by a team of Agency staff, supported by external consultants who are specialists in relevant fields. The Agency team will work in co-operation with, but independently from any stakeholders in Malta. 

Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education 

Following a one-year project on Raising Achievement for all Learners (RA4AL), the Agency will now carry out a further project in this field, running until 2016.

This work will build on the findings and recommendations of the RA4AL work, focusing in particular on the themes of pedagogical approaches for all, personalisation and inclusive leadership. The project will also take account of the potential of ICT in education and link to the European Commission ‘Opening Up Education’ initiative that aims to ‘allow All individuals to learn, Anywhere, Anytime, through Any device, with the support of Anyone’ (Communication from the Commission on Opening Up Education, 2013).

A wide range of stakeholders will be involved in the work, which will support action research in schools through the development of professional learning communities. The school-based research will explore the above themes and ways to meet the needs – and raise the achievement – of all learners in inclusive settings.

A kick-off meeting will be held in Athens 17–19 June 2014 as an event under the Greek Presidency of the EU. Further project information will be made available via the Agency website following this meeting.

The building of the new Brussels Office

Brussels Office move

The Agency’s Brussels Office is moving premises at the end of May. The new office will be in Rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels.
ICT for Inclusion project logo

ICT for Inclusion Project Outcomes

The essential purpose of using ICT in education for learners with disabilities and special needs is to promote equity in educational opportunities. The ICT for Inclusion (ICT4I)  summary report presents the main findings of the project, arguing that access to ICT that supports inclusion requires widely available, affordable and accessible technology.

The research literature review carried out in the framework of the ICT4I project emphasises that the effective use of ICT for the inclusion of learners with disabilities and SEN is widely recognised as good practice, not only for all learners.

A main finding from the project was that data collection and monitoring of ICT4I is an area that currently receives less emphasis in European countries. In response to this, a framework for monitoring key aspects of ICT4I policy has been developed. The goal of the ICT4I Policy Monitoring Framework is to outline an agenda for initial auditing and then monitoring the implementation of a system-based, multi-level policy for ICT for inclusion.
The Agency ICT for Inclusion project ran between 2012 and 2013, and during this time three complementary information collection activities were conducted, based on country information, reviews and identification of examples of innovative practice. The project web area has been finalised and has been updated with the following new materials:
  • Full country reports providing an overview of key policy and practice issues related to ICT for inclusion in participating countries
  • A country resources page, where research literature abstracts and examples of innovative practice can be searched for based on 5 thematic areas, research type or country;
  • A list of international resources that supports the implementation of policy and practice and links to key publications.
For more information on this project, contact the Agency:
covers of Agency publications


cover of the First results from the International Conference publication

First results from the Agency's International Conference – Inclusive Education in Europe

The Agency organised an International Conference in November 2013 enabling an open debate on Inclusive Education.

The debate involved all relevant stakeholders: decision-makers, researchers, practitioners, people with disabilities and their families. The main messages and statements provided by the invited stakeholders and keynote speakers at the conference have been collected in an initial report, which now is available on the Agency website.
Director's blog icon

New Director's blog launched this spring

Follow our news and views on the new Director’s blog.
For questions and feedback on the eBulletin contact us on
The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education is an independent and self-governing organisation, supported by Agency member countries and the European Institutions (Commission and Parliament). The production of this document has been made possible through support from the Agency member countries as well as the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission.

Copyright © 2014 European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, All rights reserved.