The eBulletin presents updates and news on activities from the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education and its member countries.

Agency eBulletin December 2023

This eBulletin brings news of recent Agency publications and activities, including the launch of the Thematic Country Cluster Activities, which is a new way for Agency member countries to work together. It also brings updates from a recently finished activity on Building Resilience through Inclusive Education Systems.

Read about recent updates in countries’ legislation for inclusive education in a new publication online. There is information on the Agency’s re-audit of Malta’s inclusive education system and an update on the Technical Support Instrument work in France.

The newsletter outlines the Agency’s involvement in the European Commission Working Groups and gives an overview of the recent bi-annual meeting of country representatives.

For more news from the Agency, visit the News section


New Agency resources

Legislation Updates 2023

Cover: Legislation updates 2023The Legislation Updates 2023 report presents information on new laws and policies for special needs and/or inclusive education that have been introduced in 31 Agency member countries and jurisdictions in recent years.


Country System Mapping

The Agency’s Country System Mapping activity identifies, maps and analyses the key features that impact the effective implementation of inclusive education policy in Agency member countries’ education systems. A collection of country reports is available on the Agency website in the first stage of the work.


Profile for Inclusive Teacher Professional Learning video

A new video presents the Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion activity and the resulting Profile for Inclusive Teacher Professional Learning. The video explores the Profile and describes how educational professionals can use its competence framework to improve teacher professional learning processes. Watch the video on the website.


Agency news

Thematic Country Cluster Activities: a new way of working

Logo: Thematic Country Cluster ActivitiesAs part of its aim to be an active agent for change, the Agency has developed a new way of working with its member countries. From this year onwards, the Agency will address its member countries’ priorities through its new Thematic Country Cluster Activities (TCCA).

TCCA work will provide an opportunity for Agency country representatives to work with peers from across Europe to discuss key issues, challenges, strengths and opportunities in their education systems. Its overall aim is to enable Agency member countries to translate identified policy priorities for high-quality inclusive education for all learners into practical actions for implementation.

Find out more about the TCCA and the kick-off meeting.


Building Resilience through Inclusive Education Systems: Final meeting

Logo: Building Resilience through Inclusive Education SystemsThe final meeting in the Building Resilience through Inclusive Education Systems (BRIES) activity took place in Brussels on 9–10 November 2023. During the meeting, the BRIES team presented the Guidance for Establishing a Culture of Effective Communication in Education, which is the activity’s main output. The guidance will support decision-makers to reflect on and improve existing communication structures and processes to establish a culture of effective communication in education.

Read more about this final BRIES meeting


Inclusive Transformation: Route to Quality Education in Malta

Ten years after the Agency’s Education for All: Special Needs and Inclusive Education in Malta audit, the Maltese Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation has announced a re-audit of its inclusive education system. The Ministry has asked the Agency to carry out the re-audit to identify progress made, highlight key challenges still to be addressed and showcase opportunities for building on existing effective practice.

Read about the re-audit and its launch event.

Clifton Grima, Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation (centre), accompanied by Matthew Vella, Permanent Secretary (left) and Amanda Watkins, Assistant Director of the Agency (right), present at the launch event

Clifton Grima, Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation (centre), accompanied by Matthew Vella, Permanent Secretary (right) and Amanda Watkins, Assistant Director of the Agency (left), at the launch event


Technical Support Instrument: A new app for inclusive education in France

Two data collection study visits took place in October 2023 as part of work in France to enhance a new digital app for inclusive education. The project is funded by the European Union through the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) and implemented by the Agency, in co-operation with the European Commission. The visits aimed to collect data from a range of stakeholders on the the app and its use.

Find out about the Agency’s TSI work in France.


More flexible systems of support to meet all learners’ needs: Agency input to the European Commission Working Groups

Cover: Equality and Values_EASNIE Input Paper Special Educational Needs? Working towards more flexible systems of support to meet all learners needsThe European Commission’s Working Groups are contributing to the development of the European Education Area. The Agency is part of three of these Working Groups, including the Working Group on Schools and the Working Group on Equity and Values in Education and Training, which came together for a joint meeting in Brussels on 26 October. During the meeting, the Agency presented a paper developed especially for the meeting, entitled ‘Special Educational Needs? Working towards more flexible systems of support to meet all learners’ needs’.

Find out more about the meeting and the paper.


Autumn bi-annual meeting of country representatives

The 2023 autumn bi-annual meeting of Agency country representatives took place in November, in two parts. The first part took place in Brussels in early November and was linked to the Thematic Country Cluster Activities launch event. During this meeting, the Agency’s Representative Board members approved the work programme and budget for 2024.

The second part was an online meeting which provided member country representatives with updates on Agency activities. They also had the opportunity to exchange information on a range of topics related to inclusive education, such as quality assurance and capacity building.

Read more about the bi-annual meeting.


The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education is committed to creating and disseminating Agency information which is accessible for all users. We are unable to guarantee the same level of accessibility of externally produced materials and websites referred to.

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Co-funded by the European Union
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.

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