The following documents were the main outputs and final recommendations resulting from EASNIE’s work as a technical provider for actions under the Technical Support Instrument (TSI), previously known as the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP).
- Addressing regional disparities in the Czech education system
- Promoting Inclusive Education in Greece: Addressing challenges in legislation, educational policy and practice
- Implementation of the European Child Guarantee – Promoting Inclusive Education in Greece Phase II
- Supporting the improvement of quality in inclusive education in Poland – Phase II
- Design a System to Monitor the Implementation of the Law on Inclusive Education in Portugal
Addressing regional disparities in the Czech education system
The Czech Republic identified growing disparities in educational opportunities across the fourteen Czech regions, with differences in educational outcomes for learners being identified as starting as early as in primary and lower secondary education. This especially affects the Karlovarský and Ústecký regions.
The general objective of this Action was to contribute to institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining structure reforms in the Czech Republic.
The specific objectives of this Action were to:
- support the national authorities in enhancing their capacity to formulate, develop and implement reform policies and strategies and in pursuing an integrated approach ensuring consistency between goals and means across sectors;
- support the efforts of national authorities to define and implement appropriate processes and methodologies by taking into account good practices of and lessons learned by other countries in addressing similar situations.
EASNIE presented the final recommendations and key priority action for promoting a more inclusive and equitable education in the Final Recommendations and Proposed Priority Action report.
The three annexes to this report (available as Word files) present a synthesis of feedback on the draft recommendations, additional resources and Czech examples to inform the recommendations.
Promoting Inclusive Education in Greece: Addressing challenges in legislation, educational policy and practice
Empowering schools to be more inclusive. The role of the support structures.
This conceptual paper was developed within the action entitled ‘Promoting Inclusive Education in Greece: Addressing challenges in legislation, educational policy and practice’. The Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (MERA) proposed the action in 2019.
This paper’s objective is to promote and guide the reflections of the stakeholders involved in the project by discussing the following issues:
- Defining the meaning of inclusive education and suggest some steps that will help to move towards creating a more inclusive system.
- The role of assessment in the inclusive education process, and on the objectives and the principles that should inform it.
- The importance and role of support in the construction of inclusive environments.
- Developing guidelines to support schools and other stakeholders in their work moving forward to a more inclusive system.
Download the conceptual paper here.
Implementation of the European Child Guarantee – Promoting Inclusive Education in Greece Phase II
This is the final report of the Implementation of the European Child Guarantee – Promoting Inclusive Education in Greece Phase II project (2022–2024).
The project aimed to promote greater understanding of inclusive education and to develop updated inclusive tools, a report on European country practices, a set of recommendations for practice and an implementation roadmap.
The overall goal was to promote everyday inclusive practice in schools by making the updated inclusive tools available at national level to improve:
- inclusive transitions between educational levels, schools, classes;
- inclusive assessment to support teaching and learning for all learners;
- inclusive school guidelines to promote educational environments that respect diversity and ensure that every learner receives a high-quality education.
Ultimately, the project’s main longer-term objective is for Greece to apply the updated tools across the country.
This final report provides an overview of the project’s framework, the achievements against the objectives, the lessons learned and final conclusions.
Supporting the improvement of quality in inclusive education in Poland – Phase II
The Phase II Action in Poland aimed to support the development of new legislation to improve the quality of education for all learners.
Within the SRSP Phase I Action ‘Supporting the improvement of quality in inclusive education’ (2018), EASNIE developed 16 recommendations and four priority actions for future actions to be taken within the Polish education system. The work of the Phase II Action specifically built upon the final recommendations from Phase I work.
Following Phase I of the SRSP Action in Poland, the draft with eight areas of assumptions was proposed to underpin the new education legislation in Poland. The stakeholder feedback collection on the draft of the assumptions was organised through a series of three in-person regional consultation meetings, a round of nine online regional consultation meetings with 26 groups across the meetings, the learners’ meeting, the Ministry working meetings and the web-based consultation on the possible social impact of the assumptions. The feedback from all stakeholder consultation activities was used to draft a final version of the assumptions.
The final version of the proposed assumptions for the new education legislation is available in English and an extract in Polish (Word file).
Design a System to Monitor the Implementation of the Law on Inclusive Education in Portugal
This report presents the work conducted by EASNIE to provide the Portuguese Ministry of Education with a system to monitor the implementation of the Decree Law 54/2018 on inclusive education.
As a result, a monitoring system is provided where six standards and eleven indicators have been identified.
Standards and indicators have been validated by the use of tools such as individual interviews of decision-makers and key stakeholders, an online survey addressed to directors, co-ordinators and those responsible for support services from 16 school clusters, and a fieldwork conducted with 9 school clusters. The fieldwork has comprised school visits and focus groups with directors, co-ordinators, education and non-education staff, as well as parents and learners.
Results of these activities are presented in the final report.