Reutte District Resource Centre in the province of Tyrol
The district of Reutte in the province of Tyrol was selected as the case study site for this project.
There have been no special schools in Reutte for 10 years. All students are included in mainstream classes - with no exception. The Reutte district believes that the inclusion of children who have severe profound and complex learning difficulties is possible and pedagogically valuable. In the district of Reutte, the special resource centre and counselling service of the board of education is responsible for advice and support to all primary and secondary schools in a rural district with about 30,000 inhabitants.
Host Country Team
- Roland Astl, Director of the Reutte District Resource Centre / Case Study Representative,
- Peter Friedle, Assessment Project Expert,
- Irene Moser, Agency National Co-ordinator, at the time of the project,
Focus of the Case Study Site work in Austria
In relation to the assessment project case study visits, the centre was interested in investigating how to enhance assessment procedures for pupils with profound and multiple disabilities.
The Reutte centre was very interested in further developing adequate assessment instruments, which may lead into a more process oriented way of assessment rather than promoting diagnostic tools of classification necessary for the allocation of money to schools.
Please use the links below to access the different materials used during the case study visit in Austria:
- Indexed Country National Report
- The District of Reutte. A presentation with a description of national and local educational policies.
- Discussion Paper on Communication, Documentation and Co-operation
- Discussion Paper on Qualifications in Inclusive Education
- Social Approach Reutte - Ausserfern
Please use the links below to access the assessment project experts’ presentations concerning country approaches to work with pupils with profound and multiple disabilities:
- Assessment of pupils with profound and multiple disabilities in England
- Assessment of pupils with profound and multiple disabilities in Estonia
- Assessment of pupils with profound and multiple disabilities in Germany
- Assessment of pupils with profound and multiple disabilities in Norway
- Assessment of pupils with profound and multiple disabilities in Sweden
Materials used during the Conference ‘Realising and Acting: A region faces the Challenge of Inclusion’ can be accessed below. The conference was held in Reutte on 28 February –1 March 2008
- Working towards Inclusive Assessment by Amanda Watkins (European Agency for Development in Special Needs and Inclusive Education)
- Curriculum and Standards in the UK by John Brown (SENJIT, Institute of Education, UK)
- Can we make the special ordinary? Personalising the education of pupils with SEN and everyone else by Nick Peacey (SENJIT, Institute of Education, UK)
- Assessment for Learning by Ulla Alexandersson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
- Routes for Learning by Verity Donnelly (Welsh Assembly Government). Presentation on how to assess pupils with profound learning difficulties.
In addition all materials of the Austrian conference are also available under (including mp3 files with the main speeches - in English and German).