Within the TE4I project, focused country information was collected in order to provide:
- A description of the reality of teacher education situations in countries;
- Information about best practice that indicates ways forward/innovations.
The method for collecting this information was a country survey that asked for descriptive information on a number of main issues facing all countries.
The overall aim of the country reports was to focus on key issues for teacher education for inclusion. The questions in the survey were based on points raised by the project experts during preparatory activities at the kick-off meeting in Dublin, 2009.
The Eurybase reports on Education Systems in Europe provide general information on initial teacher training in each country. Aiming not to duplicate information which is already available, only additional information which specifically focuses on teacher education for inclusion was provided by project experts within the country reports.
The full country reports can be downloaded using the links below.
- Austria (in English, in German)
- Belgium (Flemish speaking community) (Extended report)
- Belgium (French speaking community) (Course content)
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland (Review of ITE programmes)
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland additional documents in German: (Background report) (Competences) (COHEP report)
- UK (England)
- UK (Northern Ireland)
- UK (Scotland)
- UK (Wales)