The aim of the practical analysis was to explore factors that might have a positive or negative impact on VET processes and the outcomes for individual learners with SEN/disabilities. It also aimed to explore the inter-relationships between different factors (some might be essential, while others might be contradictory or mutually exclusive, etc.).

The study visits programme, which took place between November 2010 and June 2012, comprised 28 study visits to the selected VET examples. Participants in each study visit included a small group of two or three experts from other countries, one Agency staff member,  as well as local partners and stakeholders connected with the host VET programme.

The experts’ task was to explore and familiarise themselves with the particular VET example, as well as investigate the factors that appear to facilitate both aspects of it: the way VET is carried out in the example and the outcomes of this particular VET process.

The study visit comprised three equally important inter-related parts:

  1. Meeting with the stakeholders
  2. Actual visit to the setting of the VET programme
  3. Expert meeting to discuss and consolidate the observations. 


Study Visit Reports

The summaries of the individual study visits can be accessed at the links below. Detailed country study visit reports are available here.

vocational education

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