The EASIE Key Messages and Findings (2014 / 2016) report highlights the key messages and main findings from the first two EASIE datasets and Cross-Country Reports:
This report provides an overarching 'interpretation' of the 2014 and 2016 datasets. It highlights key messages and emerging findings across the datasets that are important for the Agency member countries' work. It does not offer a detailed statistical analysis of the data or cover all forms of data analysis that may be possible using the dataset.
The report presents the 10 key messages emerging from the 2014 and 2016 EASIE work and the main findings in relation to five equity issues that the EASIE work has been developed to examine.
These equity issues are:
- Access to mainstream education
- Access to inclusive education
- Placement of learners with an official decision of SEN
- Gender breakdowns of data on placement of learners with an official decision of SEN
- ISCED level breakdowns of data on placement of learners with an official decision of SEN.
The report also presents the background to the overall EASIE work. Translations into all Agency languages will be available in spring 2019.