Voices into Action – The Voices of Learners and their Families in Educational Decision-Making: Literature Review

The Voices into Action (VIA) project examines the critical issue of involving the voices of learners and their families in educational decision-making. It aims to promote a more participatory culture in relevant processes and activities at local, regional and national levels.

This literature review provides a focused rationale and key evidence on meaningful ways to involve learner and family voices in educational decision-making. It summarises important European and international policy information on the topic and sets out key research knowledge from the past 20 years.

The review introduces the ‘VIA framework for meaningful participation’, building on existing theoretical models and frameworks for learners’ and families’ meaningful involvement. It also presents recent examples from research and from Agency member countries, offering practical evidence to accompany the theoretical discussion. The review’s key findings highlight important considerations for involving learners and families more systematically in educational decision-making at all levels.

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children’s/learners’ rights
family involvement
learners’ voices
policy analysis
stakeholder involvement

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