EASNIE’s latest open-access publications are available below. The EASNIE Open Access Policy allows the public to freely access, download and share these resources. Certain resources, such as practical tools, are also open source. You can modify open-source resources to suit your needs. Please refer to the publication information page at the beginning of any publication to confirm its licence and usage guidelines.
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Visit the publications listing page for a complete list of EASNIE publications, along with details, links and filters based on theme, type, language, year and file type.

Young Voices: Meeting Diversity in Education
This report presents the results of the European Hearing of young people with special educational needs organised in 2007 by the Agency, in co-operation with the Portuguese Ministry of Education.
Key Principles in Special Needs Education – Recommendations for Policy-Makers
Educational policy-makers prepared this document to provide fellow policy-makers across Europe with a synthesis of the policy findings emerging from Agency thematic work up to 2003.
Young Views on Special Needs Education
Results of the European Parliament Hearing of young people with special educational needs, held in Brussels in November 2003.
Outline Indicators for Inclusive Assessment
Flyer presenting a series of 'outline' indicators and associated preconditions that are considered crucial for inclusive assessment. Representatives from 25 countries have agreed on them.
Special Needs Education in Europe (Volume 2) – Provision in Post-Primary Education
Thematic publication providing a summary of relevant information collected by the Agency covering priority areas within the field of special needs education.
Individual Transition Plans
This report, published in 2006, is a continuation of an earlier study on Transition from School to Employment for young people with special educational needs.
Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in Secondary Education
This summary report from 2005 presents an overview of the findings of the second phase of the Classroom and School Practice project.
Special Needs Education in Europe
A thematic publication produced by the Agency in co-operation with Eurydice, the information network on education in Europe.
Inclusive Education and Effective Classroom Practice
A summary report from 2003 presenting an overview of the findings of the Classroom and School Practice project, focusing on the primary school age phase.
Transition from School to Employment report
This report from 2002 examines the problems related to training, qualifications and employment of young people with special educational needs in 16 European countries.