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Publications Order Form 2016

The Agency disseminates information from project work via a wide array of publications, such as thematic project reports, conference reports, literature reviews, policy papers and flyers and statistical country data.

This order form presents the most recent reports. Click on the links in the PDF to read or download the publications in question.

The Agency publications listed in the order form are available in up to 26 languages and they are free to download from the Agency website.

Organisation of Provision to Support Inclusive Education – Summary Report

The Organisation of Provision to Support Inclusive Education project (2011–2014) examined the following key question: how are systems of provision organised to meet the needs of learners identified as having disabilities in inclusive settings within the compulsory school sector?

This report draws together the key issues examined during the project activities and presents a series of recommendations for the organisation of provision and practice to improve support for all learners in mainstream schools, particularly those with disabilities.