Voices into Action (VIA) Toolkit

A digital resource supporting learner and family participation in educational decision-making

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Belgium (Flemish community)

‘Nothing about us without us’: NOOZO Disability Advisory Council


The Flemish government recognised there was a need for an organisation providing expertise on disability to inform policy development. To address this, the government launched a pilot programme, establishing a Flemish advisory and policy participation council of persons with disabilities to represent a diverse range of people and organisations.

For the involvement of people with disabilities, the meetings focus on accessibility by:

  • converting policy texts into easy-to-read language and sign language;
  • ensuring accessibility of documents for people with visual disabilities;
  • coaching people with intellectual disabilities;
  • providing sign language interpreters and subtitling.

The advisory council has freedom to decide how it is organised and managed. It includes representation from 32 associations of persons with disabilities, and several individuals with disabilities who do not represent an association are involved.

People with disabilities, experts in disability, caregivers and other stakeholders have provided information. For education in particular, parents of learners with SEN have been involved.


In 2020, NOOZO issued nine recommendations and a reflection on the coalition agreement 2019–2024 and policy documents of the new Flemish government. All advice was delivered in full consensus and disseminated to the relevant policy actors.

Key element(s) of the VIA Framework:

This example reflects SPACE, VOICE and AUDIENCE. However, it is unclear whether the advisory council’s recommendations have been embedded in policy decisions. Therefore, the INFLUENCE portion of the framework could be addressed moving forward.

Learn more (in Dutch)