Voices into Action (VIA) Toolkit

A digital resource supporting learner and family participation in educational decision-making

flag of Italy

Formalising the role of learners and parents in school life


The Italian Ministry of Education sets out national laws for the education system. It also has decentralised offices that oversee regional issues. Schools have a high degree of autonomy to define curricula, expand educational offerings and structure class groupings and schedules. Country-wide legislation dating back to the 1970s ensures that both learners and parents have representation and participation in school decision-making processes. The Ministry has also issued guidelines on ‘Parental participation and educational co-responsibility', which recognises the role that families play in school life. Furthermore, it emphasises the importance of partnership between schools and families.


For learners, participation is made possible by the establishment of formal organisations at different education levels. These organisations co-ordinate with one another and are guaranteed support at the national level. They include:

  • Student councils within upper-secondary schools, which deliberate on issues relevant to the school community.
  • Provincial students’ advisory councils, whose representatives are elected by their peers to share opinions and consult on policies. These councils include a plenary assembly, thematic and territorial commissions and a management board.
  • Regional students’ advisory councils, whose representatives are elected by their peers to encourage debate, make proposals and express opinions to regional and national educational authorities, committees and boards.
  • The National Forum of Student Associations (FAST) brings together student associations accredited by the Ministry. It supports dialogue among the student associations and enables them to make proposals to the Minister of Education and all national institutions. Through the FAST, the student associations engage in dialogue and present requests to the Minister of Education and all national institutions. Unlike the student councils, the FAST representatives are not elected, but are recognised by the Ministry.

At the local level, parents have opportunities to elect representatives in various school councils and committees. They can initiate meetings at the class and school level involving school staff. Parents, upper-secondary learners and school managers sign a ‘co-responsibility educational pact’ which sets out the principles and behaviours that schools, families and learners must share and respect.

At a larger level, the role of parents is formalised through regional forums of parents’ associations and a national forum of parents’ associations. The national forum is based in the Ministry of Education, fostering on-going dialogue between the Ministry and the parents’ associations.

Key element(s) of the VIA Framework:

Italy’s multi-level approach to learner and family participation reflects SPACE, AUDIENCE and INFLUENCE. At each level of the education system, both learners and families are given opportunities to express their voices and co-ordinate with peers. Formalised representative bodies have a direct line to local and national authorities, meaning they are not only heard but have chances to effect change.

Learn more about the Italian Ministry of Education’s initiatives (in Italian).