Voices into Action (VIA) Toolkit

A digital resource supporting learner and family participation in educational decision-making

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Three examples of involving learners with disabilities and their families in educational decisions


  1. At a national level, the 2020 National Action Plan for the Rights of Persons with Disability and the Strategic Action Plan for the Equal Access of Persons with Disabilities to Education develop actions to highlight the voices of learners with disabilities and their families. This includes the legislative representation of learners with disabilities in collective bodies. The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs has formed law-making Working Groups for Inclusive and Special Education. Representatives of the National Confederations of Persons with Disabilities, which involves parents of learners with disabilities, have opportunities to participate actively.
  2. At the school level, Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counselling and Support Committees have been established across the country. Parents and learners work closely with professionals to design and implement their individualised education plans and broader interventions.
  3. On the socio-emotional level, a wide-ranging national awareness-raising programme aims to promote the voices of learners with disabilities and/or special educational needs. This includes producing and disseminating videos and games across schools and implementing conferences on relevant issues. Every year on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs organises events and calls for primary and secondary education school units as well as special education schools to organise awareness-raising actions pertaining to:
  • the rights of learners with disabilities or/and special educational needs;
  • the need to respect diversity;
  • promoting equal opportunities in learning.


The collaborative Working Group for Inclusive and Special Education involving education stakeholders and parents has led to the issuance of a new bill. Permanent consultative committees have been established to provide parents’ representatives with the chance to design and monitor issues relating to physical and digital accessibility, early intervention, vocational education and more.

National legislation has made learner and parent participation in developing individual education plans obligatory. It has also established Centres of Support across schools.

Participation in wide-ranging events places the voices of learners, particularly those with disabilities, in the national spotlight.

Key element(s) of the VIA Framework:

These three examples reflect SPACE, as they provide learners and parents with meaningful opportunities to express their voices. The Working Group in particular also reflects INFLUENCE, as it has directly resulted in new legislation concerning inclusive education.