Voices into Action (VIA) Toolkit

A digital resource supporting learner and family participation in educational decision-making

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UK (Northern Ireland)

‘Try and Stop Me’ advertising campaign


The Department of Education wanted to develop an advertising campaign focusing on children and families from lower socio-economic groups. The campaign aimed to illustrate the importance of education, the value in following your passion and the positive routes it can lead to.

Young people and parents contributed to the design and development of the campaign. Schools provided real-life examples of learners whose attitudes towards education had changed due to the positive influence of a teacher, peer or mentor. These case studies informed advertising concepts that could be launched across the country.

The ‘Try and Stop Me’ campaign was tested with a diverse group of young people and families. Their comments were used to refine and finalise the key messages within the 30-second video and radio bulletin.


As of September 2022, advertisements across television, radio, billboards and social media reached 1.8 million people, including 250,000 young people. Of the 300 learners independently surveyed for the campaign, 97% liked the campaign, 67% said it ‘encouraged me a lot to do my best at school’ and 29% said it ‘encouraged me a little to do my best at school’.

Key element(s) of the VIA Framework:

This example reflects SPACE. Learners and families had opportunities to share their reflections and opinions during the campaign development process, directly impacting its direction. The participants were integral to the process of ensuring the campaign would resonate with target audiences.

Learn more about the Try and Stop Me campaign.