Voices into Action (VIA) Toolkit

A digital resource supporting learner and family participation in educational decision-making

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A voice-oriented approach for learners with emotional and behavioural disorders in Slovenia


The ‘Pre-placement Intervention’ programme was developed in response to the observed needs of parents who face challenges related to learners’ behaviour and emotions. Six educational institutions for learners identified as having emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD) implemented the programme in the scope of the ‘Professional Centre for the Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders’ project, co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Social Fund. This example refers to the programme implementation by the Institute for Education in Logatec, provided by four experienced professionals and including 13 learners and their families.

The programme aimed to solve problems in the environment where the learner lives, without placing them in the Institute, through support, counselling activities and the active participation of all. The ultimate aim was to establish better communication in the family and to achieve better learning outcomes and positive learning habits.

All learners, aged 8–17, attended basic (primary and lower-secondary) or upper-secondary school and were diagnosed with EBD. The voices of learners and their families were central to the whole initiative. The participating learners and their families had the opportunity to present their own perspectives on the problem. Professionals encouraged them to find inner powers and to solve the problems within their families. Each family worked separately with four counselling specialists (a social worker, a psychologist and two social pedagogues) following a staged approach: meetings at home; placement in a housing unit or in the Institute.


Overall, the Institute estimates that the quality of the counselling support has improved. Some learners in the programme continued treatment in the scope of the placement in the educational institution, without resistance.

Locally, increased support has led to greater self-reliance and communication within families and to more positive outcomes. After the project’s completion, the programme became part of the regular tasks of the Institute’s counselling service. It was eventually renamed ‘Preventive Counselling Support’.

Nationally, the programme changed the organisation of counselling services and approaches to EBD across the country. Families are now included in the intervention plan (previously not considered), using an integrated approach to solving problems (i.e. the individual in the home environment/context).

Providing comprehensive counselling and support measures, while maintaining respect for children’s and parents’ rights and their participatory role in the decision-making processes, can help reduce the escalation of EBD and possibility for institutionalisation.

Key element(s) of the VIA Framework:

This example embodies both VOICE and INFLUENCE. The programme gave learners with EBD and their families a judgement-free but supportive zone to find solutions before jumping to institutionalisation. There was a clear impact on outcomes for the learners who were able to resolve issues in their home environment and continue with their schooling.

Read the monograph ‘Introducing Changes in Supporting Young People with Emotional and Behaviour Problems (in Slovenian)

Learn about the Institute for Education in Logatec (in Slovenian)