Teacher Education for Inclusion – Profile of Inclusive Teachers

This Profile of Inclusive Teachers is one of the main outputs of the Teacher Education for Inclusion (TE4I) project. TE4I as a goal for all initial teacher education (ITE) students was a key recommendation of the project synthesis report; the Profile builds on this and the other findings presented in the project synthesis report. It links them to a framework of values and the areas of competence necessary for all teachers if they are to be effective in inclusive classrooms.

The Profile presents information on what essential values and areas of competence should be developed within all ITE programmes. However, it does not attempt to describe how these areas of competence should be used within different country programmes for ITE. Although some key issues relating to implementation are considered within a later section of this document, the Profile has been drafted as a tool to be examined and developed in ways that specifically fit within the different context of each individual country’s ITE system.

The Word file (insert) accompanying the report is intended for policy-makers and practitioners. It has been drafted as non-copyright material, which can be adapted, modified and re-purposed as required, provided a reference to the original source is given.

For more information about the Profile of Inclusive Teachers, visit the profile web page or the TE4I project web area.

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