This section contains news about Agency activities, events, publications, as well as updates from Agency member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and country they relate to.

Agency representative Verity Donnelly presenting at the regional consultation meeting. Image (c) Marcin Kaproń/Regional Educational Authority in Krakow

Agency representative Verity Donnelly presenting at the regional consultation meeting. Image (c) Marcin Kaproń/Regional Educational Authority in Krakow

Stakeholder consultation on key issues for improving quality in inclusive education in Poland

The Agency has contributed to a series of three regional consultation meetings in Poland as part of the Supporting the Improvement of Quality in Inclusive Education in Poland project.
Participants in the Europe Begins in Lampedusa event at the European Parliament

Participants in the Europe Begins in Lampedusa event at the European Parliament

Europe Begins in Lampedusa 2020

The Agency continued its involvement in the ‘Europe Begins in Lampedusa’ project by hosting a meeting for stakeholders at the Agency’s office in Brussels.
Annet de Vroey presents at the ETUCE Standing Committee for Equality conference

Annet de Vroey presents at the ETUCE Standing Committee for Equality conference

Agency participation in ETUCE Standing Committee for Equality

The ETUCE Standing Committee for Equality held a conference on Diversity and Inclusion in February. The aim of the conference was to discuss and agree on the ETUCE Action Plan for Equality,…
Supporting Inclusive School Leadership project logo

Supporting Inclusive School Leadership project logo

Supporting Inclusive School Leadership: Phase 2 Scoping Meeting

The Supporting Inclusive School Leadership project team recently met in Brussels to discuss phase 2 of the project, following the publication of the phase 1 synthesis report.
Screenshot from the new Agency video 'Fostering Collaboration for Inclusive Education'

eBulletin February 2020

This eBulletin brings you news of several resources and reports that have been published on the Agency website, and Agency work with its member countries, UNESCO and the EU.
TPL4I project logo

TPL4I project logo

Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion project publications available online

Two publications from the Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion project are available on the Agency website.
Participants in the Working Groups

Participants in the Working Groups

SRSP Thematic Working Groups in Cyprus

The European Commission is co-operating with the Agency to assist in preparing a new bill for inclusive education in Cyprus. 
Cover of the CROSP Synthesis Report

Cover of the CROSP Synthesis Report

New report on the Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education

The Agency has published a new report as part of the Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education (CROSP) project.
Children exploring a garden

Children exploring a garden

United Nations International Day of Education

The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed Friday 24 January 2020 as the International Day of Education. 
A group of people looking at a laptop screen

A group of people looking at a laptop screen

Introduction to Web Accessibility course

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) are launching a new online Introduction to Web Accessibility course in January…
Education has the potential to transform the planet, but first we must transform our education systems. #allmeansall

GEM Report Infographic #AllMeansAll

Agency role in 2020 GEM report on inclusion and education in Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

The Agency is working alongside UNESCO and the NEPC to produce the regional edition of the 2020 GEM Report on inclusion and education in Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.…
The Icelandic Minister of Education, Science and Culture, Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, opens the seminar

The Icelandic Minister of Education, Science and Culture, Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, opens the seminar

Nordic Seminar on Democracy and Inclusive Education

The Nordic Council of Ministers seminar on Democracy and Inclusive Education in Reykjavik, Iceland took place on 9 and 10 December.

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