This section contains news about Agency activities, events, publications, as well as updates from Agency member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and country they relate to.

european flags

European flags

eBulletin March 2015

This issue of the newsletter contains news from our member countries, information on major upcoming events, and updates on Agency projects and developments.
Participants of the Inclusive Climate as a Challenge and Mission Conference in Levoča

Promoting an Inclusive Climate in Slovakian Schools

Information about the project of a entitled 'Application of the school therapeutic pedagogy by promoting an inclusive climate in pre-primary and primary schools' of the Faculty of Education of the…
cover of the EPUB viewed on an iPad

The Agency’s first e-book in EPUB format

A final output of the Agency’s ICT for Inclusion project is the Development and Opportunities for European Countries report in a fully accessible EPUB3 format.
Mr George Borg, Directorate for Educational Services, Director General and Agency Representative Board member, Ms Amanda Watkins, project leader, Mr Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment, and Mr Cor J.W. Meijer, Agency Director

External Audit Report Launched in Malta

On 4 February 2015 the Agency presented the External Audit Report for Malta, commissioned in November 2013 by the Maltese Minister for Education and Employment.
flag of Croatia

Welcoming Croatia in the Agency

Croatia has become a full member of the Agency as of January 2015. The Agency’s first publication in Croatian is available.
cover of the publication

„Gemeinsam leben. Miteinander lernen.“ - Living together. Learning together.

A new German publication is available on the experiences in the process of implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
person drawing on a large whiteboard

eBulletin December 2014

This eBulletin brings you news about the Agency's new member country Slovakia, a series of new publications, updates on the new data collection project, and updates from Agency member countries.…
cover of the annual work programme

Ambitious Agency Work Programme for 2015

The Agency's 2015 Work Programme has been approved and is available on the website.
Inclusive Education: Take Action! logo

European Hearing in 2015

The ‘Inclusive Education: Take Action! Luxembourg Recommendations’ Hearing will take place in Luxembourg in October 2015 within the framework of the Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union.

Data Collection Informing Inclusive Education

The European Agency Statistics on Inclusive Education (EASIE) work has brought a change to previous practices of quantitative data collection. The focus is now on the entire school population that…
image of young person named Corey and the following quote signed by him: The  SEND reforms aim to cretae a more fluid and inclusive system of support for me and people like me, but it will take time, patience and resources.

UK's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Reforms

New arrangements in the UK for supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Read more about the SEND reforms here.
Supporting children’s learning code of practice

Getting it right for every child in Scotland

In Scotland, a national programme called Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) aims to improve outcomes for all children and young people, including educational outcomes.

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