This section contains news about Agency activities, events, publications, as well as updates from Agency member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and country they relate to.

Two people's hands are holding pens as they take notes on a notepad

Two people's hands are holding pens as they take notes on a notepad

Online consultation meetings in the Czech Republic

The Agency has held a series of interactive, online consultation meetings with stakeholders working at national and regional levels in the Czech Republic.
A woman works at a computer

A woman works at a computer

Online stakeholder data collection in the Czech Republic

An online stakeholder data collection has taken place as part of the ‘Addressing Regional Disparities in the Czech Education System’ action in the Czech Republic.
Logos of the Agency, the EU SRSS Programme and the Czech Republic's Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

Logos of the Agency, the EU SRSS Programme and the Czech Republic's Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

Agency support for inclusive education in the Czech Republic

The Agency will provide technical support to the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to promote more inclusive and equitable learning opportunities for all learners in two regions of the…
yellow roadsign saying 'inclusion' against the blue sky

The Agency's Position on Inclusive Education Systems

The Agency published a position paper which presents Agency member countries’ ultimate vision for inclusive education systems: to ensure that all learners of any age are provided with meaningful,…
event logo displaying hands forming a circle

Call for Action at the Luxembourg Hearing

On 16 October 2015, the Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union hosted the Agency’s fourth Hearing entitled ‘Inclusive education: Take action!’. Seventy-two young people with and without…

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