This section contains news about EASNIE activities, events and publications, as well as updates from EASNIE member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and the country they relate to.

A group of people stand outside a school building


Monitoring and evaluating inclusive education systems: peer-learning activity

A peer-learning activity on monitoring and evaluating inclusive education took place in Dublin, Ireland, in November.
colourful graphics in shape of a lightbulb

Country Policy Review and Analysis Work

The Agency’s Country Policy Review and Analysis (CPRA) activity has been developed in order to provide a new form of individualised country information, the results of which have now been published.
screenshot of the Local Government Association’s website

New Special Educational Needs and Disability Data Comparison Tool in the UK (England)

A new online tool allows anyone in England to compare the performance of local areas, statistical neighbours and national averages on a range of metrics.
yellow roadsign saying 'inclusion' against the blue sky

The Agency's Position on Inclusive Education Systems

The Agency published a position paper which presents Agency member countries’ ultimate vision for inclusive education systems: to ensure that all learners of any age are provided with meaningful,…
event logo displaying hands forming a circle

Call for Action at the Luxembourg Hearing

On 16 October 2015, the Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union hosted the Agency’s fourth Hearing entitled ‘Inclusive education: Take action!’. Seventy-two young people with and without…
image of young person named Corey and the following quote signed by him: The  SEND reforms aim to cretae a more fluid and inclusive system of support for me and people like me, but it will take time, patience and resources.

UK's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Reforms

New arrangements in the UK for supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Read more about the SEND reforms here.

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