This section contains news about EASNIE activities, events and publications, as well as updates from EASNIE member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and the country they relate to.

Shutterstock / Yaroslav Astakhor
Inter-sectoral co-operation to meet learners’ diverse needs: international seminar
The seminar took place in October, as part of the Agency’s Thematic Country Cluster Activity on Advancing Collaboration in Education.
New video on including the voices of learners and families in educational decision-making
The Agency has developed a new video to accompany its Voices into Action activity.The Icelandic Minister of Education, Science and Culture, Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, opens the seminar
Nordic Seminar on Democracy and Inclusive Education
The Nordic Council of Ministers seminar on Democracy and Inclusive Education in Reykjavik, Iceland took place on 9 and 10 December.
FPIES presentation in Iceland
Financing Policies for Inclusive Education Systems Seminar in Iceland
In early April, the Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture organised a one-day seminar to work on the Agency's recommendation to review and develop Iceland’s resource allocation and…
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Education for All in Iceland: Implementation of the External Audit of Iceland’s System for Inclusive Education
Steering group’s plan approved for implementing the Agency recommendations during 2017–2019.Multi-stakeholder Co-operation Established in Iceland to Improve Quality Education for All
The seminar ‘Education for all in Iceland’ organised by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture on 24 August 2017 attracted many participants from across the education sector and from other…
A Seminar Report on Decentralisation in Education Systems
A new paper on decentralisation has now been published on the Agency website. The report builds on discussions held within a Thematic Seminar on Decentralisation in Education Systems that took place…Education for All in Iceland - Results of the External Audit
The results of the External Audit of the Icelandic System for Inclusive Education (Úttekt á framkvæmd stefnu um menntun án aðgreiningar á Íslandi) were launched in Reykjavík on 2 March 2017.Thematic Seminar on Decentralisation Within the Education System
Emerging trends in relation to decentralisation in education systems was the topic of the recent thematic seminar organised by Iceland’s Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the Agency.…
Audit Fieldwork in Iceland
External Audit of the System for Inclusive Education in Iceland / Úttekt á framkvæmd stefnu um menntun án aðgreiningar á Íslandi