This section contains news about EASNIE activities, events and publications, as well as updates from EASNIE member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and the country they relate to.

Implementation of the Child Guarantee – Promoting inclusive education in Greece, phase 2
The final conference of the Technical Support Instrument project in Greece took place on 23 September in Athens.
Shutterstock / Matej Kastelic
Promoting inclusive education in Greece: Final conference in Athens
The final conference for a Technical Support Instrument project promoting inclusive education in Greece will take place on 23 September.
Greek stakeholders in Portugal for TSI study visit
Greek education stakeholders have taken part in a study visit to Portugal as part of a European Union Technical Support Instrument (TSI) project.
Shutterstock / fizkes
Regional working groups focus on inclusive transitions in Greece
A series of working group meetings have taken place as part of the project 'Implementation of the European Child Guarantee – Promoting Inclusive Education in Greece, Phase 2'.
Kick-off meeting with stakeholders for 'Promoting Inclusive Education in Greece, Phase 2'
A new Technical Support Instrument project aims to improve equity in education for all learners in Greece, with a particular focus on those from disadvantaged backgrounds and vulnerable…
A teacher congratulates a boy on his work as his friends watch
Final meeting of the Agency’s work with DG REFORM in Greece
The final meeting has taken place in the Agency’s work with the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs to promote inclusive education in Greece.
Teenage learners in a classroom
Online ‘study visit’ to promote inclusive education in Greece
As part of the on-going work to promote inclusive education in Greece, an online ‘study visit’ to Scotland will take place in March.
Representatives from the Agency and the SRSS meet Ms Sofia Zacharaki, Vice Minister of MERA
Workshop in Greece in the framework of an EU-funded project on inclusive education
A workshop for the Agency support to the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (MERA) took place in Athens on 23–24 September 2019.
MERA logo