This section contains news about EASNIE activities, events and publications, as well as updates from EASNIE member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and the country they relate to.

Cover of the Summary report

Cover of the Summary report

Evaluation of Act to support learners with additional needs in the Netherlands

An evaluation of the ‘Education that Fits’ Act in the Netherlands has examined its impact on education stakeholders.
Lithuanian Minister of Education and Science, speaking to country study visit participants

Financing Policies for Inclusive Education Systems - Country Study Visits

The project’s six planned Country Study Visits have now been completed. The visits gave key national stakeholders and FPIES project partners the opportunity to examine different educational funding…
logos of NordForsk and NRO

A Joint Call for Proposals for Inclusive Education

NordForsk and The Netherlands Initiative for Educational Research (NRO) are issuing a pre-announcement for research projects on inclusive education across borders: Research projects oriented towards…
Mr Cor J.W. Meijer, Agency Director; Ms Jet Bussemaker, Minister for Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands; Ms Marjan Zandbergen, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands; and Mr Per Gunnvall, Agency Chair

How Can Education Effectively Respond to Newcomer and/or Refugee Pupils?

Agency representatives discussed the role of inclusive education in response to the migrant crises across Europe in a session organised by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the…
yellow roadsign saying 'inclusion' against the blue sky

The Agency's Position on Inclusive Education Systems

The Agency published a position paper which presents Agency member countries’ ultimate vision for inclusive education systems: to ensure that all learners of any age are provided with meaningful,…
event logo displaying hands forming a circle

Call for Action at the Luxembourg Hearing

On 16 October 2015, the Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union hosted the Agency’s fourth Hearing entitled ‘Inclusive education: Take action!’. Seventy-two young people with and without…

Netherlands - Het kind is het vertrekpunt

Overal in Europa zoeken overheden en scholen naar de beste manier om kinderen goed en passend onderwijs te bieden. Het kind is daarbij het vertrekpunt.

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