This section contains news about EASNIE activities, events and publications, as well as updates from EASNIE member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and the country they relate to.

A group of people stand in front of wall with a picture of a forest of trees on it


Peer-learning event in Scotland highlights learner participation

The event took place as part of the Agency’s Thematic Country Cluster Activities.
A group of people sit in a circle


Technical Support Instrument: More inclusive education through stakeholder engagement in Italy, Portugal and Spain

A series of stakeholder engagement activities have been completed in the Technical Support Instrument EUROCH project in Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Participants at the Steering Committee meeting


Technical Support Instrument in Italy, Portugal and Spain: Steering Committee meeting in Portugal

The meeting discussed the next steps in the TSI project to combat disparities in access to inclusive education in Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Two children look at a computer screen, one holding a magnifying glass

Two children look at a computer screen, one holding a magnifying glass

Addressing disparities in access to inclusive education in Italy, Portugal and Spain

A new activity within the European Commission’s Technical Support Instrument will aim to promote equal access to inclusive education across Italy, Portugal and Spain.
A classroom with children sitting at their desks, with their hands in the air.

A classroom with children sitting at their desks, with their hands in the air.

New system to monitor the impact of Portugal’s inclusive education law

The final meeting in an activity to design a monitoring system for the implementation of Portugal’s law on inclusive education took place in July.
A child shows a teacher his work on a tablet

A child shows a teacher his work on a tablet

Monitoring the implementation of the Portuguese law on inclusive education: meeting to present results

The results of an activity to design a system to monitor the implementation of the Portuguese law on inclusive education will be presented in Lisbon on 1 July.
A group of young children sit on the floor. Three of them have their hands in the air.

A group of young children sit on the floor. Three of them have their hands in the air.

Review of Inclusive Education in Portugal seminar

A seminar on 23 March discussed the findings of a recent Review of Inclusive Education in Portugal report by the OECD.
A group of children sitting on the floor and smiling

A group of children sitting on the floor and smiling

Monitoring the implementation of inclusive education in Portugal: School visits

School visits are taking place in Portugal as part of the work to design a system to monitor the implementation of a law on inclusive education.
Cover of the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030

Cover of the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030

Videoconference on the European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021–2030

The European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities aims to improve the lives of people with disabilities across the EU and beyond.
children play with building blocks

children play with building blocks

Conference on Inclusion and Equity in Education: Challenges and Perspectives

The Agency has taken part in a conference to promote discussion on the right to quality inclusive and equitable education for all learners within the European Union.
Learners around a laptop

Learners around a laptop

New Agency collaboration with Portugal within the EU Structural Reform Support Programme

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support has selected the Agency to support Portugal within the European Union’s Structural Reform Support Programme. 
flag of Portugal

Innovative New Inclusive Education Law for Portugal’s Schools

Portugal’s updated new Inclusive Education Law will provide some of Europe’s most innovative and genuinely inclusive resources for the future.

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